Joshua Kee (2002-born forward) has signed on
with the Ice Hawks this season!


Get to know Joshua:

Where did you grow up/play hockey before the Hawks?
I moved around a lot growing up, but I started to learn to skate and play hockey in Winnipeg then started to play competitively when I moved to Calgary. I play centre.
How have you been keeping busy during COVID? What are some of your hobbies?

Durning COVID, I mostly kept to myself and family to be safe, but I managed to get my first year at BCIT done, and I also trained and worked. Some of my hobbies are playing chess and making memories with friends.

Who is your favourite NHL team/player? Were you cheering for anyone in the playoffs?

My current favourite player is Connor McDavid because of his speed. This year, I was cheering for Winnipeg because I thought they had the best chance at winning out of the Canadian teams.

What are you hoping for this season? What are your hockey goals?

I am hoping to win the Cyclone Taylor Cup this season, and my goal for hockey is to enjoy it and put my all into it while I still can.